The Food Stamp Program was instituted to feed the people in need. Most Americans on the program are women and children, meaning women with children, meaning families. We all are part of a family. And as a family, we should always strive to elevate and educate not to deflate and segregate. According to statistics from Sugar Science UCSF, the unsweetened truth, The average American's sugar consumption Is out of control, to the tune of 19.5 teaspoons( 82 grams per day), which translates to 66 pounds per year per person. Now, the recommended sugar consumption should be no more than 6 teaspoons for women and 9 teaspoons for men. So who is going to choose for you? We are all writing blank checks for added calories. James Bovard, Opinion Contributor, from thehill, Hunger hoaxes hinder food stamp reform, May 18, 2018, is an interesting read about choosing what Americans can and cannot eat. Your thoughts.